Mineral Content Graph

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This graph displays the quantity of each mineral on the planet. The bright colored bar shows the amount on the surface and ready for immediate use. The dark bar at the end of the bright bar shows how much you'll mine in the next year. The position of the diamond shows the density of that mineral under the surface, from one to 100. In the graph, a + (plus) sign indicates only that the mineral amount exceeds the current scale.

The scale along the bottom of the graph can be adjusted to focus on small mineral quantities or zoom out to get the big picture. Left-click on the scale to display a menu of available scales, then select a value.

Scanners will only detect the mineral concentration. You can't detect how much is available on the planet surface unless you colonize the planet. If the mineral concentration exceeds 100 units, the diamond appears at the right side of the graph. The units for mineral concentration are between 0 and 200; it is not a percentage.

Tip: If you can't see the dark bar, set the scale to a lower number, such as 1000.

       Left-clicking on any mineral to display the exact amount of the mineral under the surface and on the surface, the rate at which the mineral is being mined, and the amount that will be mined in the coming year.

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